L'olio di Batana proviene da La Moskitia, nell'Honduras, nella parte nord-orientale del paese. È prodotto dal popolo indigeno Miskito, noto anche come Tawira, o "il popolo dai bei capelli". L'olio di Batana viene estratto dalla noce della palma americana. A temperatura ambiente è una pasta liscia e marrone, che sa di odore di caffè.
I benefici dell'olio di Batana includono:
Favorisce la crescita dei capelli
Ripara i capelli danneggiati
Inverte la caduta dei capelli
Colorante naturale per capelli bianchi e grigi
Capelli più lucenti
Idrata i capelli secchi e il cuoio capelluto
Sbiadisce cicatrici e smagliature
Olio di Batana
Wildcrafted American Palm Tree Nut (Elaeis oleifer)
I was happy with my first batch so I ordered more 2 weeks ago I have sent 3 emails on an update on my package and have not received a response the item is good but customer service is terrible i have not received my package and have not received a single reply to any email. I also havent received an email saying that my package has been dispatched some more information would help
I bought the 30mls to test it out and i absolutely love it! i’m gonna buy the 100ml next, 100% a repeat customer<3 if you’re committed to using batana oil consistently i recommend buying the larger pot to save buying small ones all the time, it’s pretty rare so we don’t want to waste any
I thank you all the Divine Alkaline team I received my 30 ml batana oil I will try it then I will take the larger model if effective thank you very much
Helped mild my alopecia in a few weeks. Shipping on time. Will purchase again. 5 star