Family you will be Cleansing & detoxifying your body for 30 day's, you will be cleansing your Gut and Colon At Night & detoxifying your Liver, Blood & Kidney In The Day With Dr. Sebi Approved Herbs, please follow the step by step guide & eat only from the guide to heal your body.
As we grow older, the body becomes more toxic. Most people are fast food junkies in their bodies and in their home. How easy it is to stop at a McDonald's for lunch than to go home and make a big salad. How easy it is to throw a frozen pizza in the oven opposed to making a nutritional meal or even a protein smoothie. Remember all disease comes from the stomach.
The only way you can get rid of toxins in the body is to cleanse and fast. By not eating, you are starving the parasites and allowing the bad to excrete through your urine and feces. As much as you would like to think you do not have parasites, sorry to inform you, but you do.
"All Disease Begins in The Gut.” - Hippocrates - And Remember now you can never wax an old car, so if you are sick you first need to cleanse the colon, gut and digestive track to heal yourself. The digestive tract contains beneficial bacteria that serve as a major part (80 percent) of the immune system and protect the body against harmful bacteria, fungus, and other organisms.
Fasting & Cleansing with Dr. Sebi approved herbs. You will fast Cleanse the Colon, Gut & Digistive Track for 15 days and then Detox for another 15 days here is a step by step guide on how to complete your 30 days fast, its so easy famliy.
The 15 Day's (Colon, Gut & Digistive Cleanse) Fast Step By Step Guide:
Add 1 teaspoon of each Cleansing Herbs to a pot and add 1 cup of water, bring to a boil for 10 Minutes, Then Put to steam whlie covered and drink after cool & drink before bed. Its bitter so you can eat a fruit or some dates. You can use your herbs twice just add 1/2 tea spoon next time.
Cleansing with capsules- Take one capsule of each herb with a glass of water before bed.
When you wake up in the morning have some warm water with key lime or just hot water
You wont be eating any hard food or cook food if you can just fruits, jucing and sea moss with bladderwarck smoothies, you can also do salad blends. Just eat and use foods from the nutrition guide below.
Dr. Sebi said he drank lots of water and juice. When asked what type of juice he said Tamarind Jucie, but any juice that is on his approved list is ok. You should water down your juice in half. So half glass of juice and half glass of water If you are drinking apple juice then half glass of water and half glass of juice.
The 15 Day (Detox) Fast Step By Step Guide:
Step 1. Add 1 table spoon of each Detox Herbs (Burdock root, Yellow dock, Sarsaparilla, Nettle root, Elderberry) to a pot and add 2 cup of water, bring to a boil for 10 Minutes, Then Put to steam whlie covered and drink after cool. Drink 2 times per day. You can use your herbs twice just add 1/2 tea spoon next time.
Step 2. Your Sea Moss and Bladderwarck will be your meal replacement, and you can add ripe bananas, hemp powder or milk, dates.
MILK: Hemp-seed milk, coconut milk, walnut milk. (It is better to make your own milk than to buy it to make sure you are drinking pure nut or seed milk.
ENERGY: Fruits are concentrated with natural carbohydrates and are the body’s natural and primary source of energy. It is better to consume fresh fruits and not canned fruits, which are processed and can contain cancer-causing additives and preservatives.
Apples, bananas, berries, cantaloupe, cherries, currants, dates, figs, grapes (seeded), key limes, mango, melons (seeded), oranges, papayas, peaches, pears, plums, prickly pear, prunes, raisins (seeded), soft jelly coconuts, soursops, tamarind.
CLEANSING: Vegetables are high in micronutrients including vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, and fiber, which serve to feed the body and cleanse the digestive tract that contains most of the body’s immune system.
Amaranth greens (callaloo), avocado, bell peppers, chayote (Mexican squash), cucumber, dandelion greens, garbanzo beans (chickpeas), green banana, izote (cactus leaf), kale, lettuce (except iceberg), mushrooms (except shitake), nopales, okra, olives, onions, purslane (verdolaga), poke salad, sea vegetables (wakame, dulse, arame, hijiki, nori), squash, tomato (cherry and plum only), tomatillo, turnip greens, watercress, zucchini