Quinoa, Rye, Spelt, Amaranth, and Teff are gluten-free ancients grains, others like wild rice contain gluten. These ancient grains are rich in nutrients and minerals that we require on a daily basis,
The Dr. Sebi ancient alkaline grains list includes:
Wild rice
Note: There are many grains that are not listed waiting to be found and tested.
At Divine Alkaline headquarters we follow this grain list religiously.
Our most consumed grains consist of Rye, Spelt, Quinoa and Wild Rice and will probably mean using more of these grains too.
So we would like to educate you on what exactly you will be eating and how swapping for these amazing divine grains can change your life.
Rye is an important crop in regions where rye breads are popular, especially in Poland, Germany, Russia, Belarus and Ukraine. Rye belongs to the grass family Gramineae and the genus Secale. However, world rye production is only about 3% of wheat.
A cereal rich in magnesium, copper, zinc, calcium, phosphorus, potassium and B complex vitamins, besides having a high content of fibers and proteins, the cent also provides other essential nutrients for the functioning of the organism. The minerals magnesium, zinc and copper, for example, are important for the functioning of the brain (help prevent Alzheimer's) and contribute to the health of the circulatory system. Plus, calcium, or phosphorus and or potassium present in non-cereals help to strengthen the bone and muscle systems, being essential in any diet. Also containing some B complex vitamins - such as B6 (or pantothenic acid), which helps control cholesterol and serotonin production.
Rye has a high content of dietary fibers, which prolongs the feeling of satiety. Mainstream cereals, pastas and breads have a smaller amount of dietary fibers and complex carbohydrates that have a quicker digestion - guaranteeing, as well, a less feeling of satiety. Its fibers also help in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and are essential for the immune system.
Rye bread has a longer shelf life than wheat bread - it can last for a few months when stored at low temperatures.
Did you know Rye is also considered an source of vegetable protein?
This “cousin” of wheat flour is a food rich in several minerals, such as copper, magnesium, phosphorus and especially iron, high in fiber and B-complex vitamins. The grain is also indicated for containing high protein content and for being an easily digestible food. In addition, spelt flour helps to speed up metabolism and helps reduce bad blood cholesterol (LDL).
Spelt has a high fiber content and is also indicated for those who want to control blood glucose.
Spelt flour can also be used by people who suffer from circulation problems and who have difficulties with the functioning of the adrenal glands.
Quinoa has a low glycemic index. Very rich in fibre, the quinoa grain causes glucose to be released more slowly into the blood. When this happens, glycemic spikes do not occur, which increases the feeling of satiety and regulates blood sugar levels. When eating quinoa, fibre helps improve intestinal flow and decrease the accumulation of fat in the body, in addition quinoa is rich in vitamins and minerals.
Quinoa has a high concentration of B vitamins, which aid in recovering the nervous system. In addition, health benefits are also related to the presence of vitamins C and E. They act mainly on the immune system, keeping the body much more protected against diseases.
The benefits of quinoa for the health of the body also include the prevention of bone diseases. The grain is very rich in minerals such as calcium, phosphorus and magnesium, the main ones for strengthening bones. Intake of quinoa in grains, therefore, helps to ward off diseases that can arise with bone weakening, such as osteoporosis. Therefore, buying quinoa grains is very suitable for the elderly, who tend to suffer more from such problems.
In addition to improving the nervous system, the immune system and strengthening muscles and bones, this grain also prevents heart disease. Quinoa grain is rich in omega 3 and omega 6, fatty acids that play a key role in reducing bad cholesterol (LDL).
Grain quinoa is the perfect option for vegan and gluten-free dieits.
Wild Rice
Wild rice, also known as wild rice, is a very nutritious seed produced from aquatic algae of the genus Zizania L. However, although this rice is visually similar to white rice, it is not directly related to it.
Compared to white rice, wild rice is considered a whole grain and has twice the amount of protein, higher amount of fiber, B vitamins and minerals such as iron, calcium, zinc and potassium.
In addition, wild rice does not contain gluten and is rich in antioxidants, mainly phenolic compounds, and therefore its regular consumption is associated with several health benefits, such as combating constipation and preventing cardiovascular diseases, for example.
The consumption of wild rice can bring several health benefits, as it is a whole grain with antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, hypoglycemic and hypolipidemic properties.
Therefore, the main benefits of wild rice are:
1. Wild rice is rich in fiber, which improves intestinal transit and increases the volume of feces, favoring, along with water consumption, the exit of feces.
2. Wild rice is rich in protein and fiber, increasing feelings of fullness and helping to regulate insulin. In addition, the protein present in this type of rice is of high biological value and, therefore, in conjunction with a protein-rich diet and physical activity, it can also help with muscle mass gain.
3. Helps prevent cardiovascular disease, some scientific studies indicate that the consumption of wild rice helps to lower the "bad" cholesterol, LDL, preventing the formation of atheromatous plaques and reducing the risk of having heart disease, due to its antioxidant property and the presence of fibres in its composition.
4. Helps to control blood sugar, The fibre present in wild rice makes the absorption of carbohydrates at the intestinal level slower, causing the glucose to increase progressively in the blood, stimulating the proper activity of insulin.
5. It is rich in antioxidants wild rice, being rich in antioxidant compounds, mainly phenolic compounds and flavonoids, helps to reduce oxidative stress and protect the body's cells from damage caused by free radicals, thus preventing premature aging of the skin and the development of acne, chronic diseases and cancer.
Below, a list of components of raw wild rice in comparisons to white rice.
Components | Raw Wild Rice | White Rice |
Calories | 354 kcals | 358 kcals |
Proteins | 14.58g | 7.2g |
Carbs | 75g | 78.8g |
Fats | 1.04g | 0.3g |
Fibers | 6.2g | 1.6g |
Vitamin B1 | 0.1mg | 0.16mg |
Vitamin B2 | 0.302mg | Traces |
Vitamin B3 | 6.667mg | 1.12mg |
Calcium | 42mg | 4mg |
Magnesium | 133mg | 30mg |
Phosphorus | 333mg | 104mg |
Iron | 2.25mg | 0.7mg |
Potassium | 244mg | 62mg |
Zinc | 5mg | 1.2mg |
Folate | 26mcg | 58mcg |

Great post. and im able to find these in my local supermarket! :)