Pregnancy and hormone alterations can be challenging, especially in the first few months. Several hormones play major roles during pregnancy, such as, Human chorionic gonadotropin hormone (hCG), Human placental lactogen (hPL), Estrogen and Progesterone.

For the average person maintaining a 100% alkaline diet can be back-breaking. So, dealing with hormonal alterations whilst trying to balance a natural diet can be extra challenging. Naturally the body is designed to hold onto fat and it will crave more whilst your are preparing your body for your little one.
It's at times like these we remember why it's important to maintain a good pH in our bodies and eat foods that help eliminate mucus, not just for us but for our babies too.
Managing weight gain is difficult - due to factors such as genetics, age, race and ethnicity, your partners diet, physical activity, hormones, and social factors can all have a major impact on cravings. example: My traditional family foods and cakes where a major desire.
Hormonal Cravings are sometimes an indicator that your body is deprived of an essential nutrient.

Natural sources of Folic Acid
Your doctor or midwife may recommend taking folic acid throughout pregnancy.
Leafy greens, Mushrooms, Oranges and Key limes, Okra and Wholegrains grains are foods high in folic acid, adding these ingredients to your food aids in the
- Complex foods might be hard at an early stage of pregnancy, so stick to what makes your gut happy and slowly start to introduce complex foods.
1st Trimester Tip
try blended mixed vegetables soups and fortified veggie tomato sauce with spelt pasta. remember to eat lots of fruits and drink lots of water. Tea's with no caffeine are also recommended. try blue vervain or elderberry tea (other berry tea's are highly recommended too).
Here at the headquarters we believe in sustainability and balance, if you are struggling to stay on track with your healthy habit contact us through our live chat at for some nutritional advise.