Every disease in the world, the underlying cause Is malnutrition that breaks down the mucus membrane and begins to cover a group of cells.
What ever group of cells that is covered will determine what disease you will have. For instance, If the mucus is in the nose it is sinusitis,
if mucus is in the bronchial tubes it is bronchitis,
if mucus is in the lungs it is pneumonia,
if mucus is in the prostate gland it is proctitis,
if mucus is in the joints its arthritis,
but what is the underlying cause?

Mucus can tell quite the health story.
Too much mucus is a sign of a chronic respiratory condition, acute illness, and some types of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). While mucus can be beneficial to the body, producing too much mucus can cause breathing difficulties and infection.
Common Causes
Mucus is often mistaken for saliva, but the two substances are not the same.
Saliva is fluid produced in the mouth that helps you break down and swallow your food. Mucus lines the tissues while its slippery makeup traps potential irritants. Mucus contains dead cells and debris from the upper and lower respiratory tract, trapping them as well as bacteria so that everything can be coughed up and cleared from the lungs.
Mucus (also called sputum) is produced by goblet cells and submucosal glands. Overproduction or hypersecretion can occur due to dysfunction of these cells, an infection, inflammation, irritation, or debris in the respiratory tract.
People with chronic respiratory illnesses learn to live with increased mucus pretty much all the time. It's a fact of life. They can also experience acute flare-ups and cough up even more mucus.
Certain conditions are most responsible for triggering mucus production:
Respiratory Infection
Anyone can have a brief bout of a respiratory illness, which can cause increased mucus in the lungs. In fact, acute respiratory tract infections are one of the most common reasons people seek medical care in the United States.
The common cold is a common trigger of viral and bacterial respiratory tract infections. In some of the worst cases, the infections can lead to bacterial pneumonia.
The lungs react to infectious organisms by mounting an immune response to get rid of the infection. Mucus production increases to help destroy invading microorganisms when you have an infection.
In general, the mucus should decrease to normal levels within a few days after your recovery.
Asthma is characterized by episodes of respiratory distress that are precipitated by weather changes or by substances such as airborne particles, pollen, and pet dander.
During an asthma attack, you may experience a "hypersecretion" of mucus. Even experts are hard-pressed to define what "hyper" mucus or even "too much mucus" is since it's assumed that the body produces about 1 liter of mucus per day.
Chronic Bronchitis
Chronic bronchitis a type of COPD, is associated with excess mucus production in the lungs. The main cause is cigarette smoking.
A diagnosis of chronic bronchitis depends on having a cough with active mucus production most days of the week for at least three months (and for two years).
Other lung diseases, such as tuberculosis, must be ruled out.
Mucus can increase even more than usual when bronchitis flares up.
Mucus and Phlegm Many people use the words “mucus” and “phlegm” as if they were the same. But several differences separate them:
Mucus is a clear fluid that lines the nose, mouth, and throat.
Phlegm is a type of mucus that is produced by the lungs and lower respiratory tract. The presence of phlegm means that the lungs and airways are irritated.
Mucus is usually expelled from the nose; phlegm is usually expelled from the lungs (through coughing).
Emphysema and Bronchiectasis
As another type of COPD, emphysema is characterized by increased mucus production, coughing, and a predisposition to lung infections.
Bronchiectasis is a disease in which recurrent infections lead to a permanent widening of the airways. It often produces thick, foul-smelling mucus.
Symptoms of proctitis are most frequently pain in the rectal area and a frequent desire to pass feces. Bloody diarrhea, painful defecation and bleeding in the rectal area are also common. Diarrhea may be followed by constipation with spasm and severe straining of the rectal muscles (tenesmus). In some cases, stools may be well formed but surrounded by blood and mucus.
Cystic fibrosis
Cystic fibrosis can lead to the development of insulin-requiring diabetes.
In a person with cystic fibrosis, sticky mucus causes scar tissue to form on the pancreas, and the scarring can prevent the organ from producing enough insulin. As a result, a person can develop cystic fibrosis-related diabetes (CFRD).
Signs and symptoms of CFRD can resemble those of cystic fibrosis. A person may not know that they have CFRD until they undergo a routine test for diabetes.
Osteoarthritis can severely impact the movement of your joints. Simply getting around can be a chore, and so can typing, holding onto objects, cooking, and cleaning. In some cases, arthritis in the hands can result in the formation of mucous cysts of the fingers. Mucous cysts are fluid-filled sacs that form on the fingers. Typically, the mucous cyst forms near the last the joint of the finger, often located close to the fingernail. Mucous cysts are common in people who suffer from osteoarthritis and are between 50 to 70 years old. If a mucous cyst ruptures, it's possible for the joint to become infected, resulting in serious pain and discomfort.The most common symptom of mucous cyst is the appearance of a small bump near the fingernail. It's also possible for a small groove to form in the fingernail just above the site of the cyst. While most mucous cysts are painless, some cysts may be painful when touched.

Dr.Sebi - Cures all diseases and proved it in court.
Dr. Sebi, who supported health and vitality using his “African Bio Mineral Balance.” His methodology involved using a natural alkaline plant food diet and herbs to alkalize the body to return the alkaline body back to a state of homeostasis. The diet consisted of only natural alkaline vegetables, fruits, nuts, alkaline grains, and legumes, which would alkalize and remove mucus from the body. Along with the diet he also used natural alkaline herbs to clean the body’s cells on the cellular, and intra-cellular level. The alkaline diet is based on the premise that disease can only exist in an acidic environment. The body works to maintain a slightly alkaline 7.4 pH environment in the blood.
The blood is the point of equilibrium for homeostasis and when the body becomes too acidic the body will borrow alkaline minerals and compounds from bones and fluids through the body to put into the blood to keep its pH stable. This jeopardize the health of different areas of the body and lead to the development of disease.
Dr. Sebi used alkaline foods and alkaline herbs that were part of alkaline food lists that circulated the web, and that were used by many herbal practitioners. Dr. Sebi used traditional healing herbs such as, burdock root, sarsaparilla and dandelion, which cleanse the blood and the liver. Popular and growing holistic health movements now widely use these herbs. Dr. Sebi had been practicing his alkaline methodology since the early 90’s and is considered to be the pioneer of the modern day alkaline diet movement. Drinking plenty of spring water a day is essential to making this alkaline diet work. Dr. Sebi suggests drinking a gallon of spring water a day, and health organizations suggest around the same amount. The adult body consists of 70% water. All of the body’s metabolic functions need adequate amounts of water to function properly. Water removes waste from the body, cushions the joints and organs, and assists in the absorption of nutrients. Many of herbs Dr. Sebi uses are diuretics and increase urination to remove toxins from the body. You must replace the water to support the healthy functioning of the body.
Spring water is a natural alkaline water and it best supports the hydration and natural ratio of electrolytes in the body.
Dr. Sebi recommends avoiding hybrid foods (plants and their fruits made by unnaturally cross-pollinating two or more plants) because they change the genetic structure, electrical composition, and pH balance to its detriment.
One such food is garlic, a plant food we are accustomed to eating but is not the best food to consume.