Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris), The commonly used parts of mugwort, which is also popularly known as chamomile-of-the-field, firegrass, queen-of-herbs, are the leaves and flowers, for the preparation of tea or compresses. There are around 300 species in the Artemisia genus growing wild around northern temperate regions, South Africa and South America.
Fast facts on Mugwort:
Mugwort contains a variety of proteins, vitamins, and minerals and rich in flavonoids.
Anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antispasmodic and antiseptic properties.
Women using Mugwort treat problems such as irregular menstruation, cramps and calms anxiety .

What is in Mugwort?
Mugwort has medicinal properties and contains many healthful compounds.
Mugwort contains many healthful compounds such as:
vitamin A
vitamin B1 (thiamine)
B2 (riboflavin)
B3 (niacin), B-6
folate and ascorbic acid (vitamin C)
It is also extremely low in fats and contains no harmful cholesterol.
What are the benefits?
Mugwort is believed to have many benefits and its uses range from health and beauty to helping prevent and cure diseases. The benefits of Mugwort include:
1. Lucid Dreaming
Mugwort has been traditionally known to promote lucid dreaming and soothe anxiety, if you are going through PTSD or need help in drug recovery mugwort will help especially during the night. Mugwort is considered a oneirogenic herb, a plant that produces chemical reactions which enhance dream-like states of consciousness. The Latin botanical name for Mugwort is Artemisia also the name of the Goddess of the Moon, the Greeks in her temple would administer this herb.
2. Fighting against bacterial diseases Due to its antibacterial, antifungal, and antimicrobial properties, Mugwort extracts might combat infections caused by Candida, Salmonella, Rhizopus, and E. coli.
3. Helping wounds to heal Mugwort poultices have been used for stimulating milk production in new mothers, relieving the pain and cramping associated with rheumatism and arthritis Mugwort can relieve itchiness, particularly on scars relax sore muscles after long periods of exertion and healing burns, splinters, cuts, bruises.
4. Aids in menstrual flow Another traditional use for mugwort is as an emmenagogue. Emmenagogues are substances that stimulate or increase menstrual flow. They are most frequently used in herbalism for those with a delayed or absent menstrual cycle.
Mugwort mainly works by stimulating circulation in the pelvic region. This is an important part of a healthy cycle and has an added bonus of making menstrual cramps less painful.
5. Treating mood disorders
Mugwort is thought to be helpful in treating depression, anxiety, and fatigue.
6. Treating stomach complaints
Mugwort can help relax the gastrointestinal tract and bile ducts. This allows for increased bile production, which can help break down food and help it move through the digestive system.
7. Anti-oxidant effects
Research to suggest that mugwort has antioxidant effects. The build of free radicals cause oxidative stress, which can lead to inflammation, diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. By consuming antioxidants, you can help protect against the damage free radicals cause.
8. Protecting the cardiovascular system The powerful antioxidants found in Hibiscus extract might help prevent cardiac damage and has also been shown to maintain a healthy heart.
9. Treating edema Edema is a painful condition where fluid builds up in specific tissues in the body. The anti-inflammatory properties of Mugwort may be effective in preventing edema from developing.
10. Treating diabetes
Mugwort helps to reduce the amount of glucose in the blood, as well as sugar and protein in the urine. This improved the hemoglobin levels and overall protein content in those tested.
11. Protecting the liver Mugwort appears to protect the liver against damage caused by anti-tubercular drugs and can quicken its repair process.
12. Protecting against kidney disorders
People may be less likely to develop stones in the kidneys, bladder or uterus if they ingest Mugwort extract. Mugwort contains high levels of antioxidants that might aid toxicity levels in the kidneys.
13. Reducing high blood pressure Mugwort might help in the treatment of high blood pressure by lowering high blood pressure and increasing blood circulation
14. Improve bone and joint health
Mugwort for pain relief, specifically from arthritis. Helps prevent osteoporosis and other bone density disorders
15. Improving eye health
Mugwort contains eyesight-improving properties thanks to its high antioxidant levels. Mugwort may stop the dilation of retinal vessels, prevent the thickening of capillary membranes, and inhibit retinal dysfunction.
16. Treating anemia and sickle cell disease Mugwort might help a person’s body absorb more iron, therefore increasing their red blood cell count. It is thought the plant extract is very helpful in treating and preventing anemia and sickle cell disease.
Mugwort products are available to purchase online.
Risks and Side Effects
Arousal of the central nervous system: The most common side effects that may arise during the use of mugwort are arousal of the central nervous system, vasodilation, seizures and mental and psychic problems.
Miscarriage: Mugwort can cause miscarriage in pregnant women, if taken a large dose.
Allergic reactions: with symptoms related to sinusitis, sneezing, as well as being able to cause dermatitis or blistering on the skin.
Therefore, it is important that the use of mugwort is done under the guidance of the doctor or herbalist.
Some of the medications to be particularly aware of are:
Any medications that might be broken down by the liver: Moringa extract may decrease how quickly this happens, which could lead to various side effects or complications.
Diabetes medications: Diabetes medications are used to lower blood sugar, which moringa also does effectively. It is vital to ensure blood sugar levels do not get too low.
High blood pressure medication: Moringa has shown to be effective at lowering blood pressure. Taking moringa alongside other drugs that lower blood pressure may result in it becoming too low.
Anticoagulant medications: such as warfarin and heparin
Anti-platelet medications: such as Plavix (clopidogrel)
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: such as Advil (ibuprofen), Aleve (naproxen), and Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid)
Can it aid weight loss? Evidence has shown that Mugwort extract can be effective in reducing and controlling weight gain. Its high vitamin B content helps with smooth and efficient digestion and can assist the body when converting food into energy, as opposed to storing it as fat.
Mugwort is thought to:
reduce weight gain
help to lower cholesterol and blood pressure
prevent inflammation
help the body convert fats into energy
reduce fatigue and improve energy levels
Research There is plenty of recent research to back up the benefits as stated above, though many of the studies are still in the preliminary stages or the tests have only taken place on animals as opposed to humans, so there is plenty more to be done.